Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Hip Fractures Within Dementia Patients

What are the two most dominant health problems that elderly people are faced with today? The answer to this question can be very complex rather than simplistic. Every human body is influenced by a variety of health elements and plays a significant role in how one’s body functions on a day to day basis. Some people are more prone to be diagnosed with certain health conditions than others due to genetic factors, or some human beings are exposed to intoxications that predetermine one’s health. Shockingly, within the older generation those health problems are not the most common health issues of the elderly population. Interestingly, the two most common illnesses that the elderly face within today’s society are dementia and hip fractures. So,†¦show more content†¦Alzheimer’s disease is categorized in three different stages based on the severity of the illness. When a person is experiencing the first stage of Alzheimer’s, the individual tends to lose interest in the activities that were once highly valuable to him or her, and tends to disengage in social interactions. Most of time, the immediate family are the ones that tend to pick up on the behavioral changes, since they are constantly in contact with the individual, who is experiencing these dramatic changes. In the next stage, also known as the intermediate stage of Alzheimer’s, the behavioral changes become more conspicuous to others. The most common signs that an individual displays due to the dementia progressing within the human body consists of, the individual losing sense of direction and surroundings and cannot or has a hard time comprehending or learning new information. There is a positive correlation of the illness and time, meaning as time begins to increase, and the illness becomes more aggressive within the body. Individuals with Alzheimer’s will soon not be able to recognize familiar objects or people. At this stage, the person may also need assistance with day to day tasks such as bathing, eating, dressing, and toileting. As family members watch their loved one

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